Creating the modern golf course goes well beyond the fundamentals of having a love of the game, it’s strategies and it’s traditions. The key to great golf course design begins with a thorough understanding of the client's needs as well as the ability to interpret those needs into a golf design that not only respects the site’s natural character, but also captures its sense of place.
This requires special talent, skill and experience.
Rodney Wright has honed this valuable expertise for more than four decades on sites of every terrain imaginable, from the red clay hills of Georgia to the lava floes of Hawaii to the rice terraces of Bali, to the beaches of the Seychelles islands and the forests of France.
Every golf course design requires an excellent and accurate set of plans and specifications … but the design on paper goes only so far. Wright Golf Design provides the on-site expertise required to guide the design from paper to the ground during the construction process.
We feel strongly that golf courses should be sustainable, practical models for environmental stewardship. Few other recreational land uses possess the potential for wildlife habitat enhancement and native plant re-establishment as the modern golf course. This must be orchestrated during the planning process and implemented by the golf course architect, environmental/wildlife experts, engineers and course manager working together as a team.